Goo Building Mac OS

  • My point is, that PCL actually builds very well under Mac OS X, when you leave Xcode out of the picture and use ccmake/make (Try building Qt with Xcode and you may have very similar issues). Yes, PCL has some dependencies, but it’s actually quite manageable. I use homebrew to get those, which provides fairly good Mac OS X integration.
  • Install the latest Xcode from App Store. Open it at least once to accept the end-user license agreement and automatically install the required components. Then, make sure that the latest Comman Line Tools are installed and selected in the system: sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools sudo xcode-select -install.

You can find frantic shooters, low-key indies, grand strategy behemoths, and much more for your Mac. Here are the best Mac games you should have in 2021.

It’s very easy to install Go on Mac OS. Let’s get started.

1. Download Go Mac OS Installer Package

Go to the GoLang download page: and download the Mac OS installer package.

2. Run the Installer Package to Install Go on Mac

Open the Mac OS installer package and follow the steps. There are no configurations and options to choose from, so it’s a straight forward installation.

Goo Building Mac Os X

3. Verifying Go Installation by checking its version

Launch the terminal and run the go version command and it should print the GoLang version.

Congratulations! GoLang has been successfully installed on your Mac OS.

Maintainer:Cameron Eagans <>

This part of the documentation is written by Cameron Eagans, a co-maintainer of Universal Ctags and the maintainer ofthe OSX packaging of this project.

Build Prerequisites¶

Building ctags on OSX should be no different than building on GNU/Linux. The same toolchains are used, and the Mac OSpackaging scripts use autotools and make (as you’d expect).

You may need to install the xcode command line tools. You can install the entire xcode distribution from the App Store,or for a lighter install, you can simply run xcode-select--install to only install the compilers and such. See for more information. Once your build toolchain is installed, proceed to the nextsection.

List Of Mac Os Releases

At this point, if you’d like to build from an IDE, you’ll have to figure it out. Building ctags is a pretty straightforwardprocess that matches many other projects and most decent IDEs should be able to handle it.

Building Manually (i.e. for development)¶

You can simply run the build instructions in

Building with Homebrew¶

Homebrew ( is the preferred method for installing Universal Ctags for end users. Currently, the processfor installing with Homebrew looks like this:

Goo Building Mac OS

Eventually, we hope to move the Universal-ctags formula to the main Homebrew repository, but since we don’t have anytagged releases at this point, it’s a head-only formula and wouldn’t be accepted. When we have a tagged release, we’llsubmit a PR to Homebrew.

If you’d like to help with the Homebrew formula, you can find the repository here:

Differences between OSX and GNU/Linux¶

There other things where building ctags on OSX differs from building on GNU/Linux.

  • Filenames on HFS+ (the Mac OS filesystem) are case-preserving, but not case-sensitive in 99% of configurations. If auser manually formats their disk with a case sensitive version of HFS+, then the filesystem will behave like normalGNU/Linux systems. Depending on users doing this is not a good thing.


This documentation is very much a work in progress. If you’d like to contribute, submit a PR and mention @cweagans forreview.