Snakebutt Mac OS

  • This is the first of three tutorials on how to make a quick snake game in c. Inspired by NVitanovic's fantastic tutorial videos, it is for those of you, li.
  • 13.7k members in the SnakeButt community. The official home of the SnakeButt 🐍🍑 pose. We just love Butts, Snakes may be sold separately.
  • As you can see, instead of writing a command line parser for passing parameters like input and output files, you have direct access to the properties of the rule via a magic snakemake object, that Snakemake automatically inserts into the script before executing the rule. Finally, we have to define a conda environment for the rule, say envs/stats.yaml, that provides the required Python.

Snake Bite Company is the manufacturer of the patented folding forked churchkey and keychain bottle opener. Personalized Options. Made in the USA.


Stopping a Program (try in order)

+ Qquit program
+ .interrupt
+ Option + Escforce quit
+ Shift + Option + Escforce quit, Cocoa & Panther only
power button for over 5 seconds
+ Control + restart immediately, no chance to save, may corrupt disk

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Booting (hold down while...)

click or holdeject CD
Cboot from CD/DVD
Dstart from hard disk's first partition; if the first install disk is in the drive, start diagnostic tests
Nstart from the network server
Option + Nstart the default boot image from a NetBoot server
+ Option + N + Vreset NVRAM
+ Option + O + Fbring up Open Firmware
+ Option + P + Rreset PRAM
Rforce PowerBook screen reset
+ Sboot single user moder (OSX)
Tput the Mac into FireWire target disk mode
+ Vboot verbose: show messages while booting (OS X)
Xstart in OS X (if OS 9 is on the same disk)
Optionshow icons of all start-up disks or partitions and lets you selectolder machines: restart in OS 9
Shiftboot with no extensions (OS9); holding Shift down after the list ofservices begins to appear disables auto-login, holding it down afteryou've logged on disables login items
+ Optionrebuild desktop (OS9?)
+ Option + Shift + Deletebypass startup checks; start up from an external drive, if present;otherwise, start up in Safe mode
eject CD (may not work on USB); F12 is used if there is no dedicated ejectkey

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Shift + Returndon't run startup items; while showing user list, Option + Enter on aname switches to prompt for name mode, Back goes back to name listmode
in name mode...You can enter these special names:
  • >restart
  • >shutdown
  • >sleep
to do the corresponding function.

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+ Shift + 3snapshot screen to file/desktop (which depends on version)
+ Control + Shift + 3snapshot screen to clipboard
+ Shift + 4 then click/dragsnapshot screen selection to file/desktop (which depends on version)
+ Shift + 4 then hold Controlsnapshot screen selection to clipboard
+ Shift + 4 then Spacesnapshot screen selection to desktop
+ Shift + CAPS + 4snapshot window to file
+ Shift + CAPS + 4 and then click/dragsnapshot window selection to file
+ Control + Shift + 4 then click/dragsnapshot screen selection to clipboard
+ Control + Shift + CAPS + 4snapshot window to clipboard
+ Control + Shift + CAPS + 4 then click/dragsnapshot window selection to clipboard
+ Shift + Qlog out
eject CD/DVD
reset used for firmware upgrades
sleep on/off; restart if pressed for over 5 seconds

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Option + click on minimizeminimize all Finder windows
Option + double-clickopen selected folder and close parent window
+ drag file or folder locationmove to a new volume without copying
Option + drag file or folder locationcopy file or folder to a new location
+ Option + drag file or folder locationmake an alias in a new location
+ uparrowopens the parent folder
+ Option + uparrowopen parent folder and close the current window
+ Option + Shift + uparrowselects the Desktop
+ downarrowmoves down one level
+ rightarrowexpand folder (List view)
+ Option + rightarrowexpand folder and nested subfolders (List view)
+ leftarrowcollapse folder (List view)
Tabselects the next item alphabetically
Shift + Tabselects the previous item alphabetically
+ Option + 8toggle zoom
+ Option + Control + 8toggle white-on-black mode
+ Option + =zoom in
+ Option + -zoom out
+ Shift + Aopens your Applications folder
+ Option + Dtoggle the Dock between show and hide
+ Shift + Hopens your Home folder
+ Lcreate an alias
+ Option + Oopen selected folder and close parent window
+ Rwhen an alias is selected, jump to its target
+ Tmove an item to the sidebar
+ Option + Wclose all Finder windows
+ Shift + Deleteempty trash
+ Deletemove the selected item(s) to the trash
+ Option + Shift + Deleteempty trash immediately without any warning dialog

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F12toggle Dashboard activation (if you don't have a dedicated ejectbutton, F12 will eject the CD)
F12 and holdshows Dashboard while key is held down (if you don't have a dedicatedeject button, F12 will eject the CD)
+ = (after Dashboard activated)toggle Widget bar
+ R (after Widget selected)reload Widget

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Snakebutt Mac Os Download


+ clickopens the file in a new Finder window
+ Spaceopens the Spotlight menu
+ Option + Spaceopens the Spotlight window
+ Returnopens the Top Hit item
arrow keysnavigate the list of results
Returnopens the selected search result

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General Keystrokes

Snakebutt Mac Os Update

+ Tabswitches to the next open program; press ONCE and release the z key toswitch to the program used most recently
+ Shift + Tabswitches to the previous open program
+ Option + Dhides/shows the Dock
+ Option + Hhides all windows except the one you're in
+ `cycle through application or Finder windows (if more than one open)
+ Shift + `cycle through application or Finder windows (if more than one open), in reverse order
+ ~switches to the next open window in this program
click on Dock icon (Application)shows applications's windows
Control + click on Dock icon (Folder)shows folder's contents; also Force Quit option
+ click on Dock iconreveals the original item in the Finder
+ Option + click on Dock iconswitches to this program and hides all others
+ click window toolbar buttoncycle through available window views
+ click window titleshow path to folder or document
Option + click yellow buttondock all this application's open windows (some applications)
Option + click on another application's iconswitches to this program and hides all others
Option + empty trashempties the trash without asking 'are you sure?' and also emptieslocked files

Snakebutt Mac Os X

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Snakebutt Mac Os Catalina

On Keyboards Without a Power Key

Control + brings up the dialog box for shutdown, sleep, or restart
+ Control + forces a restart
+ Option + puts the Mac to sleep
+ Control + Option + shuts down